Hello! I am so glad you are reading this page. It is good to connect with you through this website.
It is my burning desire to help others discover their identity and their purpose in life. Help them to embark on their healing journey. See them grow into their real self and reach their destiny.
Click below to access the site in Spanish.
Would you like to discover who you have been created to be?
You were created for a purpose,
Do you know what that purpose is?
Find out more about my website by watching this video!
I understood that my roots were in the south of Spain and embrace them.
I embraced and now enjoy my womanhood.
I discovered my gifts and started to exercise them.
That discovery set me on the right course for my life and I would like that for your life too.
When the Lord started to speak into my heart about my identity and who I am, …..
I began the journey of discovery about myself.
Have a look at the Courses and Mentorship Program
My Youtube
A time to Speak- Mercedes Bell
I use my channel to fulfill this purpose and share some of the things that are in my heart, this includes:
Sharing the word of God
Discussing the bible to find relevance to current affairs.
Some of the songs that I have written and composed through the years.
My Music
Listen to my music and subscribe for more content.
Available on Spotify!
From My Blog
A Time to Speak
Hope for the future
In my blogs, I like to share the thoughts and impressions gained through my experiences and daily life. I hope they will be encouraging to you.
Read some of the top picks down below or to find out more click on the button.