Recently I was in prayer regarding the situation in Ukraine. In the middle of that, I heard the following words in my heart……….”Great Britain is a sleeping giant, let us wake her up”.
I thought that it was very interesting the fact that I was praying for Ukraine, not even thinking or praying about Britain, and yet The Lord was laying that nation in my heart.
Then, I remember that many years ago I was doing a bit of research about WWII, and I found out that the Lord worked several miracles during that war. (I already knew of miracles taking place in the six-day war in Israel, but not about WWII ).
One of the miracles was the fact that Great Britain was able to withstand Germany’s air force on its own, until the Americans joined Britain in the fight after the events at Pearl Harbour.
The Luftwaffe was mightier than the British Royal Aire Force, which was very short in human resources and in aircraft. Yet, the miracle took place and Great Britain was able to stand till they received external help.
I remember after reading about the events in WWII that the Lord spoke the following to my heart – that one day Great Britain will again be an instrument in His hands, to bring deliverance and freedom to other nations.
Let us believe in prayer that Britain, the sleeping giant, will wake up.
Thanks for reading.
Blessings to you.